BKV Case Study Site

Posted in development on April 08, 2013

This is a small site we created for an RFP to BB&T. As its content was meant to be static, I decided to build it using Jekyll.

Home page

As the possiblity exists to continue to use this design for future uses as well, I decided to use the blogging aspects of Jekyll to hold the case studies.

Case Study

To keep things DRY between the different case studies, I created a custom layout that utilized yaml attributes for images. In the case the device attribute is an array, it is rendered as a carousel.

layout: case-study
title: AT&T Creative Optimization
  imac: [imac-att.jpg, imac-att2.jpg, imac-att3.jpg]
  ipad: ipad-att.jpg
  iphone: iphone-att.jpg


{% for image in page.devices['imac'] %}
  <img class="item" src="/assets/images/" />
{% endfor %}

The original design of this site was with a fixed width. I didn’t like this. Over the weekend I added fluid aspects and a basic set of responsive breakpoints so that it looked better on tablets and phones.


view from iphone


view from ipad